Hot spots: Martin West and Kate Terriere offer advice on how to benefit from susta nable property performance.

AuthorWest, Martin


"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin.

Climate change affects us all. The government has committed the UK to reducing its carbon emissions by 60 per cent and has set specific targets for different sectors. Nearly half of the UK's energy consumption arises from the way in which we Light, heat and use our 25 million buildings. Non-domestic buildings represent 18 per cent of total emissions. It is clear, therefore, that the use and management of our buildings has a significant impact on carbon emissions.

Reducing energy consumption not only reduces carbon emissions but also generates cost savings. There is often misunderstanding about the benefits of implementing energy-saving initiatives, but research has shown that simple measures, such as installing energy-efficient light bulbs, can generate typical savings of 25 to 30 per cent. Small changes really can make a big difference.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning account for around a third of total energy costs in commercial buildings. Lighting alone accounts for more than 60 per cent of the average tenant's energy bills, so efficient management can cut such costs significantly.

So far, government and industry efforts to reduce carbon emissions have tended to focus on new buildings, as these account for a greater proportion of the UK's emissions and are easier to regulate. But they comprise less than two per cent of the total building stock, so the biggest challenge is to deal with older properties through retro-fitting and refurbishment.

The wider benefits of a sustainable approach to management include:

* Enhanced business reputation.

* Improved ability to attract and retain high-quality recruits.

* Greater employee health and productivity.

* Improved risk management.

* Increased profitability.

How to cut your firm's emissions

To implement effective change it is vital that there is high-level commitment in the organisation and support across the firm. You need a focused team headed by a practical, enthusiastic and knowledgeable leader. A project plan should set out the key strategic drivers relevant to carbon management and you also need a plan for implementing change to reduce emissions.

You may need to explore and evaluate a number of options and assess the costs and benefits of possible interventions and technologies.

Once this is done, you can finalise a strategy and implementation plan that sets out the organisation's objectives and actions, and establishes the roles and responsibilities for achieving them. You must gain formal approval from senior...

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